Vegetation Management

Our expertise in this field has arisen from our experience of maintaining plantations and hedges post-planting to ensure successful establishment. As a minimum this will usually require a spot application of herbicide around each young plant to ensure reduced competition from weeds for nutrients and moisture. Very often tractor-mounted mowing between young trees will also be needed. Where a tractor cannot reach, a strimmer or brushcutter usually can. Later in a plantation's development competitive woody growth may need to be cut back. Paths and rides will also need to be mown to maintain access and often to improve biodiversity.

These skills have led us to work outside the woodland and plantation, so we now cut grass in amenity areas, maintain landscaping schemes, control Japanese knotweed, clear or re-space scrub, and each year cut over 400 miles of public footpath

Whatever your requirement - chemical weeding, tractor-mounted mowing, brushcutting , or strimming , a one-off visit or an on-going maintenance programme- we can do it.

Cultivations and Seeding

We have the equipment and expertise to carry out all types of cultivations and seeding. This can be small areas of grass seeding as part of a landscaping project, typically using pedestrian or compact tractor equipment suitable to the area concerned, through to field-scale areas of wild flower or grass establishment for amenity or environmental benefits.

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